10 Jun Wild About It
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Whether we subscribe to it or not, lobster is Maine and Maine is lobster, for most of the world. Nephropidae in Latin. Sometimes also Homaridae. Of course, there are other things widely recognized as being part of the fabric of Maine: Bean boots, Acadia, moose. Whoopie pies. (Black flies.)
What makes something iconic? And are we, as residents who also partake in—at different times and for maybe different reasons—all things Maine, somehow the collective creators of Maine’s “brand”? Natural resources, history, generations and industry blend in every state to forge the personality of place.
In summer, we get to see, in full force, the unique allure of our place mirrored in the faces, voices, and wardrobe of millions of visitors.
Although many of us cringe at the gentleman in black nylon socks and loafers wearing a Bar Harbor t-shirt in line in front of us at the gas station, it’s worth asking: aren’t we all celebrating the same thing, just at different speeds and at different volumes? Maybe the real difference is that we wear our enthusiasm on the inside, our Lacoste alligator faces in.
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